Thursday, November 8, 2007


If I were to ask the question, "What does it mean to be an authentic Christian"? I think for however many people there would be just that many answers. This week we talked about being the person you say you are. Many people walk around saying that they are Christian and that they believe in God, but don't stand up for him when the opportunities present themselves.
That is to be authentic as much as possible. I think of the example of Raisin Bran (yep: CXR/GAPP: you knew I would use this example) This is my favorite cereal and if I were to take a box of it and cheerios came out (I hate cheerios) Iwould not be happy. Cheerios would not be what I want or expect. That is how we need to be as Christian, that is, not using the emblem to mask something, but actually to be the Christian man or woman we say we are.
Then the question comes about, "What of those who don't believe"? Well it is up to each of us to seek the Holy Spirit as we talk to one another, and live our lives. God will give us the words/actions to say or do as it pertains to sharing our faith. We all have people in our lives that are looking for a relationship with God. Some of them have been burned by the past, running from God, or just too stubborn to actually try God so they try everything else possible.
Know that the words in I Corinthians 10:13, that we are not given in to temptation, that God will never put more on us then we can bear. You all know that I am definitely a man of action, and I believe it is definitely time for us all to start living out this scripture better. To be the authentic Christians that God has called each of us to be!

May God Bless you and Heaven smile on you!