Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Be Encouraged!

Hey all,
Well another post from PJ. Isn't it funny sometimes how God can move? Sunday night after church I was doing my devotions (daily bible reading) and I came across a scripture that was just so cool (I know, I know, they all are:) Well the scripture was: Psalm 97. I encourage your to read the chapter in its entirety. In short, the chapter talks about how God is our awesome conqueror.
In Sunday "cool" on Sunday we watched "The Nativity Story". What an awesome representation of our Great God. When Mary was approached by the angel who told her of the glorious thing that was about to happen, I got butterflies in my stomach. We need to remind ourselves that God is so awesome! Later in verse 4 of that chapter, it talks about how God's lightening, lights up our world.
Now for those who know me, know that I love storms, and I've always thought of lightening as one of the signs that God is still in control of things (If you have ever seen a picture of lightening in the sky, or seen it ripple across the landscape of the sky you know what I am talking about).
As the Christmas season is upon us, don't forget how awesome our God is. Rejoice, that even during the hard times he hears us.
And as I depart a special shout out to all those teens at Malow Jr. High. It was awesome to meet all of you and share God's word with you!!!
May God bless you and Heaven smile on you!
Pastor Jason

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