Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11: The pursuit of God

Today is a day as they say, "shall live in the history books". 9/11, the date brings back so many memories. What you were doing that fateful day and time. The war that continues to rage. I think of our kids. To many that will be coming to Crossroads Jr high youth group tonight. This day does not have all the emotional impact it does for those old enough to remember the day vividly. Sure they may remember that something terrible happened, but as we rewind 6 years, that would mean that the incoming 6 graders were 6 years old.
So the question becomes how do we preserve the memory, that our kids realize how much we must rely on God. For instance, it was always interesting to me that shortly after 9/11 I was at a baseball event and i never heard "God Bless America" sung in the 7th inning with such reverence. Now all these years later, once again at a baseball game this week and I listened once more, people were going through the motions and no one really cared.
We want God to bless us, but the question becomes what are you willing to do to be blessed. Philippians 4:7 is the focus verse for our youth group this year. The peace of God that it speaks of, is the peace that transcends all. The peace that you can have in times of trouble, in times of pain, death, and in times of tribulation. For many 9/11 each year will mark a sad time, and if you read your bible you know that things will get worse. But as the scripture finishes, let your hearts and minds be guarded in the only thing that provides us with eternal safety and security. That is, Christ Jesus!
Stay Blessed!

1 comment:

scenemorris said...

You are right Jason people today only really look to GOD indire circumstances
and they want to be blessed but what will they do to get blessed
I remember that day so very clearly
And it should be part of the subject on thursday
also if people rely on GOD when they need him

what i am saying is why don they keep the faith instead of only using the faith when trouble is about

why cant they rely on him when they arent?