Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Remember who you are

My first big planning event as youth pastor (along with the paraticipation of many~ PTL for you all) has come and gone. Just a few facts. We were able to give info about CWC to over 700 people during the parade. Our youth band reached the many who were there on Saturday and Sunday evenings. What an awesome time. The teens also collecteted over $600 for youth activities by assisting with parking for the Craft Show. PTL
Amidst all the hustle and bustle, I was able to pray with a 7 year old. His father asked me to pray for his son, and it was my honor to do so. So my challenge for you today is to Remember who you are in Christ Jesus. Much like the Fishermen who cast their nets out again at the behest of Jesus, we can do all things through Christ who strengthen's us. I am overwelmed by how God can use us. He can enable us to do those things we think we can't.
I pray that those that received the information. My prayer is that they come to know who they are in Christ Jesus. That they will know:

1. You are not ordinary
2. You were created on Purpose
3. You are Free
4. In him we are all overcomers

So don't just think it. Believe it!

1 comment:

Doreen said...

Hey Jason, Welcome to blogging!
Miss you and Shelly like crazy...
See you in November...