Monday, September 17, 2007

In GOD we Trust

The challenge:
As I heard from God's word, through Pastor Mick on Sunday, and during my personal devotions, I have been thinking all the ways that we need to trust God more. I am so encouragaged by the many people that have taken up the challenge to volunteer and help out in the various ministries of our church, and prayerful that those who feel God speaking to them will also give of their time and talents to build the kingdom.
I was reading I Samuel 17 this morning, one of my favorite stories. How God took a small, shepherd boy and made him a king. How God had picked the one who would lead, and it was not who many would have picked. Isn't that how our Great God is? He does the unexpected. What does God want to unexpectedly do in your life? Perhaps it is to have you help out in our various ministries. One ministry that is dear to my heart is the Visitation ministry. I firmly believe that much like God used David, God used two men from CWC to minister to me by visiting me at my home shortly after my first visit to CWC 8 years ago. My heart was so touched that I would recieve a visit, as my mom lay sick, and I had just recieved Jesus into my heart, these two men visiting my home and bringing me cookies just warmed my heart. Flash-forward 8 years later, and I serve as youth pastor at CWC. Wow! What a Great God we serve!
So as you think on God's word this week, remember he can make a way out of no way!
May God Bless you and Heaven Smile on you!

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