Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Next Level

In my personal devotions this week, i have really felt the urging that God wants to take all of us to another level. i think sometimes that the struggle for some is that we are too afraid to take a step out.
Remember when you learned to ride a bike for the first time. i remember that time for me vividly. They year was 1980, and I had a Pittsburgh steelers dirt bike (w/ Jersey #1 on it, not sure who that was). My dad bought it under the agreement that I would learn to ride w/o training wheels. Well for about a week we set off each summer morning with my dad's hand guiding me. I was so nervous about falling I would even try to guide myself with the nearby fence as it stretched around two backyards including ours.
Well, as I began to TRUST more. I began to let go of the fence, and then suddenly i didn't feel my dad's hand under the seat. I was going to another level. the funny thing is the first several tries my dad would run along behind me, not holding the seat just in case.
We need to realize that this is just how our Gracious God is. Hebrews 11:1 talks about what faith is. Ihad to have trust and faith that my dad was their with me. I cannot tell you the overwelming sense of security that I had just knowing my dad was running right behind me and would catch me if I stumbled or began to fall.
I believe that God has really called us to take that next step. To trust in the fact that he is right there with you running alongside you in all the hurt and pain that you may be facing. As Paul preached to the Corinthians in I Corinthians 11:1 (ironic: same chapter and verse as Hebrews:) He speaks that we need to follow his example, as he follows the example set by Christ. Wow, those are humbling words. Ask yourself these questions:
1. Is God wanting to take me to the next level in my spiritual walk?
~In what ways?
2. How is my prayer life? Am I trusting God to hear my prayers and see me through?
Commit these things to God this week!
Have a great and a blessed week!

1 comment:

Joelle Lynn said...

Go Steelers! Good preachin there brother!